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Are the Steam keys still up to date? Because there's nothing about it in the description.


when are the steam keys set to be dropped?

go to your purchase download screen, and you should see a steam key.

is it the "Download button" in the "you own this game" banner since i only see the downloads links with nothing dealing with steam

huh. When I went to the page I saw a ‘get steam key’ button at the bottom.

How much will the game be on steam ?


The game will be a bit cheaper on Steam, but purchasing a copy on Itch ensures that (once the game is launched on Steam) you'll be provided a Steam key alongside your Itch purchase. All we ask is that if you enjoy the game, consider leaving a Steam review at that time with your honest thoughts.

(1 edit)

I’m getting a bit confused with the business model here and couldn’t quite find clarification

I’ve purchased the original version way back, actually could never manage to get it working but it was being worked on so I decided to just wait

The new version/remake seems to now be well under way, which is good BUT some of the language around Q&As here seem to imply that this new version will be available on steam but not on itch and that for people in my position, a steam key will be offered so they can add the game to their libraries

I think the first question is: “is that all correct?” But, if so, what are the alternatives, because I do not want this game on steam, I’d like to just download a DRM-free binary, actually, this is what I purchased

(1 edit)

If you've already paid for the original deluxe version, shoot us an email ( with a screenshot of the item in your library and we'll reply with an Itch key when it's available. The Itch version comes *with* a Steam key, but if you don't want to purchase the game on Steam, you can just ignore it or give it away.

The game will be sold on here normally, but is available sooner for paid subscribers. One of the benefits our paid subscribers get is earlier access to new content than the casual follower would get.

 Itch and Patreon have very clunky systems in place, and there's no real elegant way to go about doing this. If a smoother alternative appears, I'm happy to take it.

That sounds fine enough. My fear was being locked into steam, which seems to not be the case.

Wouldn’t you be able to just make that new version available as an update to the old paid version, though?

Patreon link doesn't seem to work.

itch links, but then it only takes you to the demos. 


I cannot for the life of me figure out why Itch thought it made sense for a Patreon access link to not give players access to ALL items on the store page.

Send us a DM on Patreon and I'll get you a proper key. I apologize for the inconvenience.


The new art looks amazing, Looking forward to it, I actually I'm into a mood of a VN when I'm done with everything


WHAT $999.99

you know you can lock things behind a code right?

(2 edits)

It's true that patreon subscribers can access the game with the code (it hasn't been posted yet) but unfortunately this option doesn't exist for people who are subscribed on other platforms, like SubscribeStar (I'll implement it once they do, if they do.) I really don't know a more elegant solution than this, and I've looked for one.

Clarification: Once the game is available to the general public, the weirdly priced item will go away. The purpose is to give paid subscribers access to the content in advance, not to price it any differently. No one is meant to click "buy" on the specific item.


$999.99 for the patron version?!?! what the ACTUAL heck?!

See my reply to the_idealist's comment for an explanation as to the (arbitary and temporary) pricing.

will people who purchased the game get a steam key?

Yes, if you purchased the premium version of the old game (which no longer functions) you'll get a key. You'll also get a key if you've purchased the new version of the game (not available yet).


yo, I purchased this game like one year ago and i try it to install it... but there is nothing to install, will i get at least the steam key when the games come out or something else?

I purchased the game how do i get my steam copy?


Where to Downlowd

Is this a remake/remaster or a continuation/sequel of the previous visual novel?

was wondering how i can get my key i cant seem to download it anymore :(

I may be stupid but how do I downloa


Will the older version be available to download when the remastered version comes out? 

(1 edit)

I would also like to know this, I got a new computer recently and lost a few files.

I'll probably download both versions if the original does become available again

(1 edit) (+2)

We're honestly having quite a bit of difficulty porting from one to the other, as Renpy is a script-based engine (long python files) and Tyranobuilder is an engine that relies heavily on in-engine instruction (selecting individual images/audio files/etc.) but we're doing our best. Unsure when the original will be available, as the new one takes priority.

If you paid for the bonus edition, please send us a message once the new version is out and we'll be sure you get a key for the trouble.


Copy that :D


Someone sent this to me and said it was the new Skyrim version.

Fuck you Dany


Many such cases. 


Many such cases.

Deleted post

I thought you told me to lay the dragon.


Many such cases. 

Many such cases.


how to tame your dragon director's cut

Are you going to make any of your other games in-browser play? I can only play on chromebook, so I can't  use any of the downloadable versions.


get a free pc from your local computer repair store. ask about computers that are too poor of specs to sell and throw a lite version of win10 on it. they generally recycle the PC's with too poor of specs. ask about the one with the best processor and ram and you should be able to run non-demanding Hgames

The writing is fairly error-free for the most part, but I'm very confused about the use of the word "spats"... from context, it sounds like it's being used to refer to Freya's shorts, and in an early scene, also a towel? After checking a couple of dictionaries, the only clothing-related meaning of that word I can find is a type of shoe accessory from the 1910s–20s, nothing to do with shorts or towels.


they're shorts. they're mostly worn under skirts. google anime spats, you'll see what they are

When is a new update going to happen for the web verison?


The game is complete, and as of now, there is no additional content planned.


nice game


Good game, nice art

Thanks, feel free to subscribe if you like what you see.

why is it when i start it up its says 'modified save data' when i havent even downloaded it before?

Will have for android?


Yes, it's taking longer than expected and we're dealing with some other stuff so we appreciate your patience.

(1 edit)

Oh ok, its ok, dont need hurry up, i dont know much about schedule buy o think is hard, i can wait.


It's not rape or mind break, is it?

I don't know if you noticed, but the deluxe edition is labeled as the free version and vice versa.

This issue has been fixed. The underlying files were properly named, but the displayed names were incorrect. Thank you for being kind enough to point it out nonetheless.

Linux version does not work stuck at loading tyrano script.


Coming over here to second this. The linux build does have a few issues, ran into a minor one and one that is the breaking issue:


  • I normally use Lutris as a launcher and it gets confused trying to run the game? It seems to be trying to run the wrong thing and I’m not sure why. Launches fine from terminal or just double-clicking the binary tho

The bad one:

There seems to be some problem with the engine implementation. Since this is all trying to fire up electron and whatnot, I’m assuming you haven’t touched any C++ or anything of the sort so it’s probably not something you yourself did, but it’s broken alright.

As mentioned by OP here, the window title will get stuck at “Loading TyranoScript” but if you’re launching from the CLI it does tell where things go wrong and it’s an OpenGL problem.

[56791:0815/] [.DisplayCompositor]GL ERROR :GL_INVALID_OPERATION : glBufferData: <- error from previous GL command

Seems it’s trying to read from an uset Buffer or something of the like. Pretty good chance that’s why it’s not displaying anything at the very least

Deleted 29 days ago

We haven't forgotten you! We've managed to export the game to an android build, but the remaining 10% of getting the process to work is proving more complicated than we anticipated. Thank you for your patience.

Deleted 29 days ago

It was hard but i did it on Android

Don't pay for this game until they actually fix the game not aligning properly in fullscreen. The issue was reported since day one and they still haven't fixed it more than a month later, they also said nothing afterwards, not even a way to fix it manually.

We've fixed the issue. If you re-download the game, you should be able to switch to full-screen. You'll need to switch to borderless fullscreen from the config menu, as it will still have a border if you do so using the "maximize" button. Please let us know if you have any issues.

As you've probably noticed from following our dev logs, we've been juggling a lot of plates lately and we've ended up neglecting some of our previous releases a bit.

Sorry for the trouble, and thanks for taking an interest in the game in the first place. We hope this fixes any bumps in the road you've run into.

Thank you, even a reply would have been fine, it just felt like the VN was abandoned with the lack of reply. I take back my works. 

Hey man, I get how it can be frustrating when things don’t work. But you gotta cut these sort of indie teams some slack. Most of them are something between 1-5 people working on some project that (like this one if you want to) is available for free, just asking people to give money if they feel like it. Also because of that they pretty much always have these as side projects and most of their time is dedicated to some other job that pays the rent. A lot of these people are also discovering the kinks and weird stuff in their tools as they go along.

It’s fine to be frustrated, I myself have got it and haven’t been able to run the game at all yet and yeah, it sucks. But keep this all in mind, this is not the same as <massive studio> just leaving things broken because they don’t care


I'm normally not like that, but at the time of writing this comment, there were no replies from the devs for a while and it seemed abandoned. I would have been fine with just a reply aswell honestly. But still, it's frustrating when you wait like 1 month for a game to be properly playable and there's still no news from it.

Having trouble getting this running through wine. I normally run wine games using Lutris as a manager but it seems Node has a hissy fit somewhere. Manually calling WINEPREFIX=<prefix> wine <game_binary> the game then loads but after the background with the lockers fades in the game stops responding to any input. It just stays forever in that image apparently. I’m going to keep trying for the moment. Just posting here to see if anyone else had issues, or if someone else does, to show they’re not alone.

No idea what engine this is (so don’t know to look for specific workarounds or how easy/hard it would be to…) Any chance of a native Linux release?


We've added a Linux version. Please give it a try and tell us if you have any issues.


When is Mac version coming out?

We're having issues exporting into Mac, unfortunately this is a very silly engine limitation where it won't let you export into an OS different from the one you're working in.

We're doing our best to work something out. For now, it might be best to try the android version once we've completed it. Sorry for the trouble.

When are you gonna fix the fullscreen bug? Or can you provide some solution atleast?


 When is the MAC version coming out?

Deleted 29 days ago

We're still working on it.

(1 edit)

i wish the game was longer 

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