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if you are getting permission issues when trying to run the "" script on linux, you need to run chmod a+x on "lib/py3-linux-x86_64/GardenofRoses"

ALl games that dont get updates after a year are dead. ALl porjects in general that are not updated within a year or more are dead in fact, no matte rthe form they take.

You have to get someone to help you on the projects that you can update it  every season its been a year from the public update


Is it abandoned?


The game is still in development, albeit slowly, and there's not much to update on other than 'writing/editing the massive script continues'. We'd encourage you to check out our other IPs in the meantime, since it will be some time before it's polished and ready to ship, and you may see  some characters from the game appear in other forms.

As always, we thank you for your patience.


can you add platform tags for your games for those who are using the app as without those tags, you can not install the game with the app's game installer


Congrats on the release!


B I R D G I R L.

That is all. Thank you for coming to my TedTalk.